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Contact me . . . let's get started on your project

I'd love to help you!

Please e-mail me information about your project. If I can't help you, I'll be happy to refer you (at no charge) to someone who can. Please include:

  • A brief description of your work — is it for adults, children, fiction, nonfiction, genre (romance, mystery, self-help, etc.; where would it appear on a bookstore shelf?)

  • Have you finished your book? If so, how many words is it? If not, how much have you written?

  • What type of help are you seeking — copy editing, content editing, an evaluation, coaching? Help with a book proposal? (See Editorial Services for more.)

  • What are your writing goals? Are you planning to self-publish? Are you seeking a traditional publisher or literary agent? Is this a book primarily for your family and friends?

  • Are you a speaker who wants to have a book to sell in the back of the room?

  • How did you hear about me? (i.e. search engine, referral, listing on a Website, listing in a book)

Tell me a little about your project. Keep it to a couple of hundred words, please. There'll be plenty of opportunity to get into details if we decide to work together.

You'll hear from me within three business days. I look forward to working with you.



                   © 2023, Melanie Rigney